Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things I Am Tired Of

1. Swine flu, H1N1 flu, Avian Flu, SARS, and every other sniffle being labeled as a "pandemic". Get over it, people.

2. Bailouts.

3. "Greening", as if we should be proud of you for it. I'm much more impressed with people who just do it because it's right, not because they'll make a lot more sales through it.

4. The messes on my desk-es.

5. Not having enough life insurance, not having a will, not saving enough.

6. Changing diapers.

7. Being overweight.

8. Feeling obligated to make a full 10 items on this list.

9. Whining.

10. Temptation.

What's your list? Next time - things I can't get enough of!

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