Saturday, February 21, 2009

More personal questions...

More questions from "Me As A Person"

1. How would you describe yourself?

I am an intellectual, a fun guy to be around, a player of games and a reader of books. I am not the best at anything, but I think I’m pretty good at a lot of things, which is what I like. I have never felt a need to be perfectionist, I have never felt overly-organized, and I have never felt like I’m disappointing myself in what I do. I have stood up for my beliefs and opinions against much opposition, even to the point of being the only dissenting voice on a vote that needed to be unanimous to pass, and incurred against me much ill-will. I love spending time with my kids and wife, and I love doing the things I am paid to do, because I am good at them. I enjoy nature, though I don’t get enough time in it, I enjoy exercise, I enjoy reading and writing. I exhibit both introverted and extroverted qualities, but I think I am most likely introverted, in that I really thrive when alone. But I also need stimulation and time with others, or I feel lonely.

2. How would you describe your spouse?

My wife is probably more introverted, in that she can get feelings of crowding when too many people are in the room. She likes to laugh and have fun, enjoys spending time with me and with the kids, though I know she feels more responsibility than fun with them, and that’s expected. She does not need to be the best at everything, either, but she does like and need order and certainty for various things. That’s a bit of a problem sometimes, when she has misplaced something and feels that the very next thing she must do, forsaking all other things, is to find it. This can cause stress between us, because I have my mind on other priorities and wish she would be able to put the immediate loss aside. On the other hand, that gives her great attachment to the things she loves, and with that great pleasure.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Late To The Party

Well, I had a blog for a few months back in '05 / '06. But apparently I can't get into it now, so I've got to do another one. Whatever.

I guess the real reason for this is to avoid putting all the stuff that I'm going to put here up on Facebook. Yes, it's nice. Yes, it's interesting. Yes, it's easy. But it's also limited to people on FB, and since most of my family doesn't / won't use it, it's worthless to them.

Also, I'm just jealous of my wife. She's been taking notes already: Really, I figured that some of the things that are going into our home study materials will be very valuable for our daughter to have when she gets older, and this way I can also share my thoughts with other family and friends.

One of the first things we have to do is a "Me As A Person" document, with lots of questions. The one I wanted to share tonight is this:

3. What are the three most important things you want to accomplish in life?
1) I don’t need everyone to like me, but I would like all the people I know to say, “He was a good…” and fill in the blank with whatever they knew me as – husband, church member, brother, actuary… 2) I want to complete the Ironman Triathlon Championship in Hawaii. I think such an intense, prolonged physical activity would prove not only my physical endurance but emotional commitment to preparation and completion of an incredible task. 3) I want to be married to my wife for at least 50 years. Nobody knows when they’ll die, but I expect that, given reasonable health, we should be able to show our children, friends, and neighbors what commitment and love really look like.