Friday, March 27, 2009

Nothing to See Here

Really. There's nothing to see here. I don't have any great insights into the world tonight, except for the following:

1) I didn't win anything in the Actuarial Speculative Fiction contest. So thanks for nothing.
2) I got caught by my wife for buying snacks at the CVS store. So that's why I'm not losing weight!
3) I really want a Kindle, but I don't want to spend $360 for it. Anyone got one that's scratched and/or dented that you want to get rid of for about $80?
4) I'm entered into the Sprint Triathlon series at Eagle Creek. Hopefully that will motivate me to keep up with training this summer.
5) I'm not surprised by the stock market 'rally' of over 20% since the 'bottom'. I'm just anticipating that it will go back down again. Look out below!
6) Infomercials creep me out. But they're also really, really funny. Like the ShamWow guy - he's hilarious!
7) One time, I weighted 2 pounds more after sleeping for 7 hours than when I went to bed. What?!?!?
8) There is no number 8!
9) I don't think of myself as a typical actuary. Most other people who know me and know other actuaries would agree. Somehow I manage to survive and not stab myself in the eye with a fork every day at lunch time. Must be the Lord watching over me.
10) Why are you still reading this? You should be in bed.

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