Sunday, March 8, 2009

OK, you know those 25-things lists on Facebook? Here's my "Top 10 reasons why I'm not going to be a stay-at-home dad."

1. I don't appreciate being thrown up on 4 times in 2 days. Thanks, Zane and Aaron.
2. My idea of a good dinner is ham, rice, and strawberries.
3. I let my kids play Wii too much. And I play it with them.
4. I don't get anything done when I'm here and in charge.
5. We stayed outside during the rain this afternoon. Then, when it was sunny again, we were inside. Totally backwards.
6. I let the neighbor kids come over when my son is sick.
7. I'm not organized enough to get this adoption stuff settled - Jen had to make me a to-do list!
8. I let my son skip breakfast and then have a chocolate-chip granola bar. Granted, he was sick yesterday, so maybe he doesn't want to eat real food, but come on...
9. I don't do well at picking up the living room.
10. I don't blog good! Well? Greatly? whatever.

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